
16th Congress on the Protection of Classified, Business and Personal Information

Under the patronage of the Marshal of the Senate of the Republic of Poland, prof. T. Grodzki, the 15th Congress on the Protection of Classified Information, Business and Personal Data took place on May 17-2023, XNUMX in Rynia, attended by, among others: dr hab. engineer Celina M. Olszak Rector of the University of Economics in Katowice, Ph.D. engineer Marta Kosior-Kazberuk Rector of the Białystok University of Technology in Białystok, Ph.D. […]

Invitation to the series of webinars "Sharing is caring - case studies in career counseling"

STUDENTS, on behalf of the National Center for Europass & Euroguidance, which operates as part of the National Agency of the Erasmus+ Program and the European Solidarity Corps, we invite you to participate in a series of webinars entitled "Sharing is caring - case studies in career guidance". The training is intended for career advisors and career coaches. The National Europass & Euroguidance Center invites you to webinars! We meet […]

Vernissage of the exhibition of paintings by Sylwia Wirska

We invite you to the opening of the exhibition of paintings by Sylwia Wirska, which will take place on April 20.04.2023, 18 at 00:1994. Sylwia Wirska (born XNUMX) lives and works in Warsaw. She graduated from the Painting Department at the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts. She co-founded the Open Laboratory of Experiment "Chapel". She is the author of oil paintings. In her paintings, she tries to organize the world around her, intertwining […]

Exhibition on the first anniversary of the Russian Federation's invasion of Ukraine.

On the first anniversary of the Russian Federation's invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 14 artists, members of ZPAMiG, present 25 paintings at WSZ-SW. Through this exhibition, we want above all to show solidarity with Ukraine fighting to defend its freedom. Our artistic statements expressing our emotions are an attempt to present not only war, but also other threats to societies [...]

Closing of the exhibition "First time together"

On February 6.02.2023, 18 at XNUMX pm, the finissage of the exhibition First Time Together will take place. The authors of the works: Maria Baster-Grząślewicz, Elżbieta Bogusławska, Irena Filipowicz, Barbara Golimowska, Justyna Harris, Maja Kierzkowska, Janina Olczak, Klaudia Osytek, Katarzyna Poszwińska and the Board of the Association of Polish Painters and Graphic Artists cordially invite you to the finissage at the Warsaw School of Management - University .

Picture gallery - exhibition "First time together"

The Association of Polish Painters and Graphic Artists (ZPAMiG) was established in 1984. Since then, we have been organizing collective exhibitions in various exhibition spaces, both in Warsaw and beyond. In 2012, the Warsaw School of Management - University made its exhibition space available to the Association of Polish Painters and Graphic Artists. In it, we present at individual and group exhibitions the achievements [...]

Inaugurations at other universities

The importance of our University among non-public universities is evidenced by the systematic participation in the inaugurations of the academic year. The President of WSZ-SW prof. student Dr. Eng. This year Waldemar Gajda was invited to the best universities, including Kozminski University, Lazarski University or Vistula Academy of Finance and Business.

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